Psychic Readings 4 June

Divine Whispers11 – Today the card I have for u is the The Magician (one of the best cards in the deck ) i feel that at present you have the power, skill and focus to make a project or plan that u have been working on for the past few months take off all the ingredients are there to be a success ,

But u are feeling powerless as u feel u will fail! However, the magician is here to tell us that we all have the ability to tap into that focused, creative energy, even if we are not the go-getter type.

The Magician Tarot Card is about extroversion, action and you have the power to create and make things happen!

Once you become aware of the full extent of your own power, nothing can stand in your way of manifesting what you truly want.

Go ahead turn these thoughts and plans into action as there will be success!

manifest your deepest desires with my new Neuro frequency spell sessions which create potent energy’s and manifestation of your desires or help attract a specific person /bring back an ex or invite new love into your life .

The audio which is used during the spell casting will be sent to you to listen to each day and this will attune to the frequency of your spell helping you to align with your desires
This way, you accelerate and amplify the results of the spell .

You will be sent the mp3 audio Recording which as used while casting your spell , along with spell feedback and an oracle reading .

My spells are always bespoke and tailored to your situation and can take around 3/4 days to complete.

I will need :
Your name
Name of lover /love interest
star sign or date of birth .
Email address to send the audio , spells feedback and picture of spell.

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only £27.27

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“really is such an accurate reader , her approach is very calm and the way she described my situation was spot on .. I will confidently recommend Venus to anyone who needs clarity on their situation”

“First reading off this lady amazing reading xx”

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Madam Destiny -THE EMPEROR

Hark! To thee, who seeketh wisdom from the arcane realms, I present the sovereign card of The Emperor. In the grand tableau of the Tarot, he standeth as a bastion of authority and governance. Yet beware, for with great power comes great peril. The Emperor’s shadow is tyranny, his downfall hubris. Let not thy heart grow cold nor thy rule become oppressive. Temper thy might with mercy, thy justice with compassion. In all thy dealings, seek balance, for the wisest ruler is he who knoweth when to yield as well as when to command. So mote it be.

SECRETS OF THE 3 FATES – Your destiny in Love, Life & Career

In days of yore, when the tapestry of destiny
was woven with threads both dark and light,
there existed a secret whispered among
the wise and the fey. ‘Twas a mystery guarded
by the ancient triad, the Three Fates,
whose hands did spin the very fabric of time and fortune.

Gather now, dear reader, and lend thine ear
to a tale steeped in the mystic lore of ages past.
Herein lies the enigma of the Three Fates, whose
cryptic counsel has shaped the paths of kings and commoners alike.

As the veil between the realms of mortal
and divine grows thin, prepare to embark
upon a journey where the unseen shall be
revealed and the unknown shall be fathomed.

The Secret of the 3 Fates awaits, a revelation
to those with hearts attuned to the whispers of destiny
and eyes keen to behold the shadows of fate.

Cosmic blessings, Madam Destiny

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‘Great reading my first one with Madam Destiny will definitely come back again thank you x’View all Readings

Ester – Your Free Love Reading is on the link below!

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Full Love Reading
only £27

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Meilleurs VœuxEster x

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‘Ester is an amazing person. She is good at what she do. My reading was ready within the next two hours. The reading gave me a lot of clarity and my overall feeling after listening to the reading is positive. Thank You, Ester.’

Masked Reader – Butterfly Angel is your oracle card for today. Change is coming you need to be ready for life to transform and take off on another direction. This is your time to shine and work towards the person you know deep down you are capable of being. Use those wings to fly high and soar above your enemies and those who doubt you.



Wondering who is thinking of you right now?

This reading looks at who has you on their mind and what they really want from you.

How can you let them know you are into them too?
Special OfferOnly £25
Click Here

Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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There is certainly times of the year that can trigger emotions stronger than other times of the year. The festive and new year is certainly one of those times. Do not feel alone, as you think of your love  interest. The love you have directed towards you is magnificent. They may be silent as such but, that will change. Sometimes the waiting can feel like an eternity. Yet, I do see a return to you from your love interest. Older and wiser and loving you in the most abundant way.

What are they thinking?

An in depth look at your silent love interest. The thoughts towards you and their plans for the future. With the thoughts do they plan to have you as part of their future? All questions answered and very welcome.

Special Offer
Only £22.22
Click Here

Love and light. 

‘I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.’

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