Psychic Readings 21 Feb

Madame Fate – the 6 of wands reversed gives a sense of defeat being taken from the jaws of victory! Things were going along just fine, and then took a turn for the worst. I sense this due to some interference from a toxic energy!

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Madame Fate x

Tracylyn – If you reading this, then spirit has led you to me. They do love you and this is a question you have been asking yourself lately. This person feels like you are everything they could ever hope for. And because of this, they got very frightened by this connection and the chemistry you share. Therefore they self sabotaged the relationship.  

This person has had serious commitment issues because of their past. This is why they may seem cold and emotionless. They seem to be at a major cross road in their life right now. I do have hope they going to communicate with you. You miss this person and I’m here to tell you, this person is not over you. 

If you feel this is your situation, please click on the link below to book a more indepth reading.

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Love Interests Innermost Thoughts about You!
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Love and blessings to you,
Tracylyn x

‘What a beautiful reading kind lady gave me all the guidance I needed much appreciated xxx’

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Amie – Your Free Audio is on the link below.

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Full Love Reading
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‘Excellent as always would highly recommend this incredibly talented lady.’

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Jane – Today I have drawn a card from the wisdom of the Oracle deck and the card you have is TikTok. This is all about divine timing and being able to live in the moment. Just for today try to be in the flow and let go of any hard and fast agenda.

Full Audio love reading Tarot and Oracle

Wondering what is happening with your love life? I am offering a full tarot and oracle card reading, 8 cards drawn to look at love for you. You can ask a question or give me a person to focus on. 

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Jane x

“A lovely lady had another lovely reading from Jane thank you very much and spot on”

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Moira – The energy of this card today is procrastination. Procrastination I believe is due to fear and being afraid of change. Often this stems from a fear of success or failure. Sometimes we want things to be perfect before we begin but there’s no such thing as perfection. All we can do is our best, however often we find we are our worst critic when it comes to what we do. Our best way to overcome this is to just begin. We do not learn, we do not grow and we do not move forward without getting out of our comfort zone. It’s time to face the shadow of yourself, the doubting Thomas that says you don’t already have the knowledge and skills to succeed at what your heart truly desires… because you know you do. It doesn’t mean you won’t need to keep improving your skills or practice what you do, but you can begin now. We all need to start somewhere and if you keep putting it off, the only regret you will have is not having a go. As they say, we don’t go to our death beds regretting what we did, but what we didn’t do. We all have wonderful gifts and abilities to share with the world… utilize the energy of this and begin. 

Now it’s time to trust yourself.

In separation Love Reading ❤️

This reading will concentrate on your love interest and if there are signs of reconciliation

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‘Moira’s readings have a way of bringing me to a calm place. She explains poetically, compassionately and with speed. Thank you x’
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Masked Reader – There is a rectangle in the tea leaves coming up in the next 2-6 weeks time period of the cup. Beside it is a lightbulb. I see important news or a message that gives you answers that you seek. Whatever you cannot see right now is going to appear in front of you out of nowhere. Something important is about to be revealed to you.


Who is interfering in your relationship or stopping your love interest falling for you?

This reading will look at who is standing in your way

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New Reading
Love Interest’s Innermost Thoughts 😉 
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Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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