
Psychic Readings 12th Dec

Madam Mystery – As I was shuffling my cards the Ace of Cups flew out of the pack and landed on my table in the reversed position. This gives me a separation around a love situation in which I see many tears. Not only yours, but those of your love interest, where they are shown to be suffering in silence. They are full of regret and guilt for the way they treated you and are thinking of a way to make amends. 

3 Question Reading Only £19.19
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‘Absolutely AMAZING get a reading from this lady You will be so glad you did she’s always 100% spot on’

Lauren – Your Free Audio is on the link below.

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Lauren x

‘he called me after a day, thank you x’

Jane – I have drawn an Oracle card for you today from the beautiful, enchanted map Oracle deck. The card that you have is ‘unexpected visitors’. This is a card that talks about going on a bit of a detour so if things do not go to plan today do not worry, enjoy the journey you could be going somewhere better.

December Special 6 card tarot reading

This December I am offering a six card tarot reading , either written or Audio. You can ask a question or give me an area to focus on.

Special Offer
Only £20.23

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Jane x

“A lovely lady had another lovely reading from Jane thank you very much and spot on”

Ron – The card I have drawn The Two Of Swords.

This shall be a month when you feel very happy. I feel you shall be with your family and this may involve visiting someone in your family. I feel this month you need to feel less stressed and you will do. You shall laugh and smile and this is all to the good. I see that a family occasion may be a part of this. I see that you will also feel close to someone you are in a relationship with and i see that you shall also look at old photos you have with other people.

Will we get back together Tarot Reading

This reading looks at if you shall get back together, what the challenges are and how to overcome them

Special offer
Only £18

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Their Innermost Thoughts about You!
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“Brilliant reading. Ron picked up most of the problems we are going through and assured me things will come right eventually. Would certainly recommend him ….. you won’t waste your money. MJ”

Madame Fate – Your card today is the queen of wands in the reversed position. This gives me a toxic female energy who is interfering in your affairs! She’s extremely jealous of you and doesn’t want you to exceed! 

Special-Clear Toxic Energy Spell + Reading

Cast tonight with reading and update sent within 24 hours

Special Offer and only available to first 2!

Clear toxic energy spell that will clear anything and anyone in the way!

Is there a toxic third party in the way? This spell will help your love interest see through their lies and then break free!

Is your love interest being cold and distant? This spell will make them think about you much more and become obsessed with you! They will then become loving and warm towards you!

Are they being angry towards you? Then this will help to turn them from a furious tiger to a pussy cat eating from your hands!

The spell will work on any other blocks!

Special Offer
only £19.19

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Madame Fate x

‘Best reading yet this lady is truly gifted she read the situation as it is perfectly and her prediction was so on the mark I have goosebumps worth every penny and more amazing reader. Absolutely no information given at all apart from names just wow !!!’


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