
Psychic Readings 18 June

Divine Whispers11 – The card I have for you from the moonology deck is :Have faith in your dreams! You have a goal a dream that you are working towards at this present time. Whether it be work or personal life goals and dreams , just know that all the steps you are taking no matter how small they may seem are leading you to achieving the desired outcome. On the days things seem overwhelming just keep focused on the outcome you desire, picture this in your mind and imagine your goal or dream is already a reality !

All the work you put into it will surely pay off in the end and your dreams can and will become a reality . Keep one foot In front of the other and believe in yourself you can do this 💫

Will they contact me again and when ?

Why have they gone cold ? pulled back or ghosting you ?
Would you like to know if you will hear from that special someone again. Maybe you would like your ex to reach out to you again or maybe your new love interest has pulled back and gone cold. We can have a look and see what the future holds. I will use my special timing spread to give you as much detail as possible and an estimated timeframe too along with the divine whispers love messages cards to channel there true feelings and thoughts.

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“Amazing and spot on as always ❤️”

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Madame Fate – your card today is the judgment reversed that shows something being held back at this time! However, I sense things soon to reach boiling point where something bursts open at the seams! Has something been holding something back? All is soon to be revealed!

Make them Obsess Over You Spell +Reading & Update – SPECIAL OFFER

This is an extremely powerful spell and will make your love interest obsess over you! They won’t be able to stop thinking and you and you will also appear in their dreams. It will get to a point where they can’t hold back their feelings any longer and then reach out to you!

Only 2 available at this special price of £19.99 (Usually £25.25)

Cast tonight with reading and update sent within 24 hours

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only £19.19

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Madame Fate x

‘Best reading yet this lady is truly gifted she read the situation as it is perfectly and her prediction was so on the mark I have goosebumps worth every penny and more amazing reader. Absolutely no information given at all apart from names just wow !!!’

Ron – The Knight Of Cups means looking towards your future. This card means being emotional and moody and also has connections to relationships This card shows me you shall be trying to think of a way forward and to change things for the better. At the same time you shall feel quite emotional and this is the effects of the past and your marriage. But you shall realise the only way forward is to move on from the past and try new things. Money is an issue to do this but this month you shall start to think of possibilities that don’t cost much money. This could be going out with friends or visiting relatives and also the possibility of volunteering. If transport is a problem there may be people who would give you a lift. You do realise that you need to make an effort to get out of the house and you do feel that hiding away is not doing you any good

Twin Flames Reading

This reading shall tell you who your twin flame is and when you shall meet them.

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Only £18

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“Brilliant reading. Ron picked up most of the problems we are going through and assured me things will come right eventually. Would certainly recommend him ….. you won’t waste your money. MJ”

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Karrissa – I’m using my Romance Oracle Deck today and gotten, ‘love triangle’ and this indicates at least one other person involved in this connection with your love interest! It’s makes things frustrating and anoying though something comes to light that changes the whole course of events! Be prepared! 

Channelled Love Letter from Love Interest

This is for a channelled Love Letter from you love interest, Includes deepest thoughts and feelings about you!

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only £22.22

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Big Hugs,
Karrissa x

‘Karrissa has always given me interesting readings, but boy is she direct and accurate! Thank you’

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Karrissa – There is going to be a rush of  loving energy coming your way over the coming month.  Your cup will be running over with love and you will be more in tune with your emotions so don’t be surprised if you feel a range of feelings surging through you as your energy prepared for a loving connection to come into your life.  I’m being shown a broom so I feel you will literally be swept off your feet so do be ready for  something pretty amazing to happen very soon



Wondering who is thinking of you right now?

This reading looks at who has you on their mind and what they really want from you.

How can you let them know you are into them too?
Special OfferOnly £25
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Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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