
Psychic Readings 19 June

Close-up of a fortune teller reading tarot cards

Divine Whispers11 – I am getting the letters A J , T and L for connections and the number 8

The separation card from the lovers oracle is crowning the spread today.
You are either in a separation or your not seeing eye to eye

I am being shown a relationship going from bad to worse in this last few weeks and you feel like your trying to fight a losing battle.
Your person seems to go from one extreme to the other with zero compromise it seems.
I see the number 8 coming in strongly and feel this month there is going to be a big wake up call in this connection.
If you would like to know more and what the future holds for you both you can purchase part 2 which will guide u forward
Love and light
Venus x

Will they contact me again and when ?

Why have they gone cold ? pulled back or ghosting you ?
Would you like to know if you will hear from that special someone again. Maybe you would like your ex to reach out to you again or maybe your new love interest has pulled back and gone cold. We can have a look and see what the future holds. I will use my special timing spread to give you as much detail as possible and an estimated timeframe too along with the divine whispers love messages cards to channel there true feelings and thoughts.

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“Amazing and spot on as always ❤️”

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Tracylyn – Why is this connection so confusing?

Someone has tried to stop thinking about you and tried to stop missing you. But this is not working anymore, they created a separation or distance that they didn’t want, through an energy of self sabotaging. Because everytime they around your presence, they facing the truth about how they actually feel about you. 

I feel like they ready to get out of their head and to confront their emotions. The resistance between the two of you is making you feel like you the problem; but understand you are not the problem.

i know things feel impossible right now. This message is confirmation that they do love you.i feel their efforts were not as strong as yours, regardless of what it seems like right now, like things are not going to get better …I feel you will get back together and rebuilding what has been lost..They don’t want you to be a missed opportunity because when they look into your eyes; they see forever. 

If you feel this is your situation ✨️ please feel free, to click on the link below to purchase a full reading.

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Only £20.55

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Love and blessings to you,
Tracylyn x

‘What a beautiful reading kind lady gave me all the guidance I needed much appreciated xxx’

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Madame Fate – your card today is the ace of cups reversed that gives a sense of upsets around matters of the heart! I see a vision of tears rolling down your face and a feeling of happiness turning into sadness. Someone promised you the world and then badly let you down! However, I sense some unexpected news that puts a smile back on your face! 

Contact Spell + Love Reading

I have recently retired from the fairground circuit after 50 years. I’m now just doing readings and spells part time.

This listing looks at what fate has in store around your love interest. It also includes a contact spell to bring your love interest closer. Emotionally, Communicability and Physically!

Please send their first name upon ordering!

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only £22.11

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Madame Fate x

‘Best reading yet this lady is truly gifted she read the situation as it is perfectly and her prediction was so on the mark I have goosebumps worth every penny and more amazing reader. Absolutely no information given at all apart from names just wow !!!’

Ron – The cards I have drawn are The Knight Of Disks, The Six Of Swords and The Seven Of Disks.

These cards show me that you have been trying to work out what to do in your life. So much seems wrong just now and it seems that you have so many problems. You have been trying to use logic to work out how to solve these but you have not managed. You are a person who likes to do things properly and you felt as if you did everything properly in your last job so you cannot understand why things happened the way that they did. You are feeling sad a lacking in energy but I know that you are good person and these events were not your fault.

Twin Flames Reading

This reading shall tell you who your twin flame is and when you shall meet them.

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Only £18

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“Brilliant reading. Ron picked up most of the problems we are going through and assured me things will come right eventually. Would certainly recommend him ….. you won’t waste your money. MJ”

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Karrissa – I’m using my Romance Oracle Deck today and gotten, ’embrace’ and this indicates more closeness between you and your love interest. They may well be cold and distant right now but I feel better communication following by a night of passion over the coming days! I can see the two of you making plans for your future! 

Channelled Love Letter from Love Interest

This is for a channelled Love Letter from you love interest, Includes deepest thoughts and feelings about you!

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only £22.22

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Big Hugs,
Karrissa x

‘Karrissa has always given me interesting readings, but boy is she direct and accurate! Thank you’

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Karrissa – There is going to be a rush of  loving energy coming your way over the coming month.  Your cup will be running over with love and you will be more in tune with your emotions so don’t be surprised if you feel a range of feelings surging through you as your energy prepared for a loving connection to come into your life.  I’m being shown a broom so I feel you will literally be swept off your feet so do be ready for  something pretty amazing to happen very soon



Wondering who is thinking of you right now?

This reading looks at who has you on their mind and what they really want from you.

How can you let them know you are into them too?
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Only £25
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Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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