Psychic Readings 21st Nov


Now, this is a wonderful card, that I always call the “home sweet home” card. It immediately shows a bit of the past present and future in this card. Firstly, I see a chap, who constantly thinks of you. Every day. I see he had to deal with a lot of personal baggage, going back over a year ago at least, this shows through all this, that he was starting to get back on track with plans, then this world drama has been sprung upon him and yourself. This has truly stalled his coming forward and making proper contact, in a way you wish…. but my guides do confirm he will make a return, to his “old self” …in a new way though….so it will be brand new.

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Amie – I am seeing a new house move coming up for you and a happy celebration..april seems significant for this, something coming together around someone’s birthday. I am seeing a potential partner come forward into your life who has the same morals and views and who will be very supportive to you. I feel in the past they may have been distant but this all to change, they certainly know how to treat a woman well. I feel in the past you may have had trouble with in laws but I do see that you will have a fresh start together and move to calmer waters.

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Masked Reader – There is a strong scent of flowery perfume around me and I feel a lady in spirit world is coming through as they want to just tell you they can hear everything you say to them. They miss you too and they love you more than ever. There is a while before you meet again but until then know they are only a breath away from you. Love is eternal and never dies even when the body passes from this world the soul goes on and love survives. Know you are never alone and always share your worries she will give you a sign it will all be okay.

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Ron – The Seven Of Disks means disappointment and little gain for much labour. This is your relationship and how it did not bring you want you wanted or needed. You put all the effort into the relationship and got very little back and this has affected you emotionally and taken away a lot of your confidence. But despite this you still believe in love and you are still hopeful you shall meet someone new you can fall in love with and be happy.

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Jane – I have drawn a card for love for you today and the card that you have is the queen of cups, This is a great card to get in a love reading as she is all about love she represents water sign energy and brings in really good energy around your emotions. She’s saying that if you are not already,  you will soon be surrounded by love.

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