Psychic Readings 22 August

Mysti – There’s a male energy around you that you’re deeply drawn to, but lately, he’s been pulling away, leaving you confused and concerned. The Knight of Pentacles suggests he’s focused on something that’s demanding his attention and grounding him in a way that might seem distant to you. You’re starting to worry that his behavior has something to do with your connection, but I feel this is more about his personal responsibilities and the pressures he’s facing. Resist the urge to chase after him or to try and fix things right now, because doing so might just create unnecessary tension. Give him the space to handle what’s on his plate, and when he’s ready, he’ll return with a renewed sense of stability and commitment.


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Much love
Mysti xx

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Text Chat with Moira

Anabelle – I sense a strong connection between you and this person, almost as if the universe has pulled your paths together for a reason. However, their fluctuating behaviour—one moment warm and affectionate, the next distant and cool—stems from internal conflicts they haven’t fully resolved. They are drawn to you, but something is holding them back, a past wound or fear of vulnerability. There’s an unspoken tension in their heart, and you can feel it, can’t you? I see a crossroads approaching, where clarity will emerge, and you’ll need to decide whether to pursue this connection or step back for your own peace. The energy is shifting, and there’s much more to uncover. Would you like to explore this further?

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Anabelle ❤️

‘This was a wonderful reading. Anabelle picked up on one key detail I had omitted and she was 100% spot on. The reading was full of accurate information. Finally, I asked Anabelle for a follow up question and she replied. I cannot recommend her enough!’

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Masked Reader – There’s a significant presence in your life, someone who feels deeply for you, yet keeps their emotions tightly under wraps. This lack of outward expression has left you puzzled, unsure of where things are heading. Beneath the calm surface, this person is battling a surge of unspoken desires, and the frustration of holding back is starting to wear on them. You may have noticed moments when they seem distant or irritable, a reflection of the emotional tension they can no longer contain. This energy is building to a breaking point, and soon, they will have no choice but to reveal their true feelings. Are you ready to uncover what’s been hidden? There’s so much more to explore if you’re open to it.


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Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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Madame Fate – I sense a deep yearning in your heart, a connection with someone who feels like they were meant for you, yet they’re trapped in a situation that no longer serves their soul. This person is in a stagnant marriage, filled with obligation rather than love. There’s a powerful energy pulling them toward you, but they’re torn between their current commitments and the life they truly desire. The universe is sending signs that this connection is destined for more, but the path forward is clouded with uncertainty. Would you like to explore what steps lie ahead and how this could unfold?

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Chat to Madam Fate

Madame Fate x

‘Best reading yet this lady is truly gifted she read the situation as it is perfectly and her prediction was so on the mark I have goosebumps worth every penny and more amazing reader. Absolutely no information given at all apart from names just wow !!!’

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A powerful message card, advising you, and reminding you, that the strength you have can handle this, and I see he is thinking deeply about this. Writing to him, if possible I know is either not possible or ideal, but even writing it down personally all the hurt he has caused you, what it has made you feel, with just even getting it wrote down, not necessarily send it, it will release some built up tension this is bringing. I do see he will still meet you in the future face to face. No matter what has happened, his love for you is there.

What are they thinking?

An in depth look at your silent love interest. The thoughts towards you and their plans for the future. With the thoughts do they plan to have you as part of their future? All questions answered and very welcome.

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Love and light. 

Chat to Neal

‘I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.’

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