Psychic Readings 22 June

Moira – The main thing in a relationship is to trust yourself. Go with your own judgment and do only what feels right and honest to you. If a lover asks or expects anything of you that seems the least bit questionable, ask them more if you like but never feel under any pressure to satisfy anyone else’s demands or wishes if you don’t agree. Romantic love sometime asks the impossible and unreasonable, and, if so here, don’t feel compelled to comply. You deserve to be able to love yourself, too. Your lover should understand this and expect the same. This can be a very strong, powerful affair!

Get in touch to ask me directly to look into your concerns.

This is a 20 minute text chat session.

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Chat to Moira

‘Moira’s readings have a way of bringing me to a calm place. She explains poetically, compassionately and with speed. Thank you x’
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Ron – The cards I have drawn are The Prince Of Cups, The Nine Of Wands and Fortune.

These cards show me that you have a very strong personality. You can be quite introverted at time and you do like to spend time alone but other times you need to be with people. You can be stubborn and you do like to get your own way. you are a person with great willpower and you do like to control your own life. The person that you find will have to match this and they will have to be strong as well but at the same time they will have to give and take in the relationship. I see that you will not put up with people who are indecisive and this is something you do not like. You are an optimistic person and you need this positivity from others to make it work in a relationship.

Twin Flames Reading

This reading shall tell you who your twin flame is and when you shall meet them.

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“Brilliant reading. Ron picked up most of the problems we are going through and assured me things will come right eventually. Would certainly recommend him ….. you won’t waste your money. MJ”

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A very powerful strong partnership card of love, shows here for you now. Finally, after what seems a lifetime waiting for this silence to break, it looks like they are facing the fact,, with joy, that you are indeed the one, and that they must make a move back to you, because it love showing towards you from this lovely soulmate to you.

What are they thinking?

An in depth look at your silent love interest. The thoughts towards you and their plans for the future. With the thoughts do they plan to have you as part of their future? All questions answered and very welcome.

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Love and light. 

‘I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.’

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Masked Reader – The Star is a card that comes in strongly for you today and it shows wish fulfilment. Those corny sayings like reach for the stars all come into play here today as the timing seems perfect right now to chase those dreams you have and manifest what you want. Write down your biggest wish for the future in one sentence or a few words and keep it under your pillow or next to your bed and before you sleep each night imagine it coming true and feel that sense of happiness. Bring your dreams to life.



Wondering who is thinking of you right now?

This reading looks at who has you on their mind and what they really want from you.

How can you let them know you are into them too?
Special OfferOnly £25
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Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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Masked Reader – I see revenge is on your list of priority’s at this time maybe for someone who has hurt you in the past or maybe causing you some conflict or hard feelings. 

Holding grudges or feelings of needing revenge will only keep you stuck and ultimately you’re only going to be hurting yourself along the way . The best revenge or response is no response at all . Get your revenge by cutting this person away completely and not rising to them as the person who hurt you will suffer more with you not in their life as I see regret in their energy’s . Think carefully and choose your battles wisely as u will win and come out on top in the end. 

Banish the 3rd person in your relationship spell!

Do you want to banish something that is bringing you negative energy and getting in the way of your relationship /love life

or is your lover connecting with someone else and you want them gone so your relationship can get back on track again without the 3rd part interfering

I will perform an ancient banishing ritual focused on your target to banish a person or something from your life or your lovers life ! The ritual is very effective and one of my popular spells of which I have had great success and high results from for my clients.
I will also perform an in-depth reading on any questions u may have .

Spell will be cast over the space of 3 days (1 casting each night ) starting from when u place your order . After 3 days I will send you your spell feedback and pictures
Reading will be sent within 48 hours of placing your order .

I will need your email address so please provide this when placing your order

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Only £19.19

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‘Spot on great reading with no hints or clues’

Gypsy mystic1111

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