Psychic Readings 28 July

Moira – I see in the cards today with the lovers reversed you may of had a separation within a relationship. The past is now behind you. Release it and embrace new possibilities. A new path is now available to you. Follow it with faith. To find out what new possibilities are coming in for you get in touch anytime.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Moira X

Amie – Your Free Audio is is on the link below.

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Love audio reading

A recorded love audio reading looking into your current and future love situation sent to you via email.

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Amie x

‘My audio reading from Amie Louise was Amazing! She has such a wonderful gift. It’s like she’s right there watching everything my love interest is doing. I am completely in awe of her. Thank you, Amie Louise’

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Madam Destiny – Hark, dear querent, unto the tale that divine omen doth reveal. Its presence is an omen most curious and fraught with meaning. In matters of the heart, this omen speaketh of discord and earthly concerns that doth weigh heavily upon thy romantic endeavours. Thy material worries and the quest for wealth may eclipse the affections and tender moments that love doth require to flourish. There may be a lack of balance, where one dost give and the other taketh and the foundation of love shall crumble like dust before the wind.

Love Triangle reading….Is there another woman/man?

Help is on the way, dearie!”

As we shuffle the cards, let us remember the wisdom of Madame Destiny “The truth will set you free, dearie!”

With profound psychic abilities that guide us through the intricate web of emotions and possibilities. We open the window into the hidden corners of your heart and the complexities of your situation and let the truth set you free.

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‘Great reading my first one with Madam Destiny will definitely come back again thank you x’View all Readings

Tracylyn – A ghost story ….

You in love with someone, who has pulled their energy back….There is no communication and they may have even blocked you … You hurt and confused, you know how you feel about them, but you never really got confirmation if they felt the same. You can’t seem to get them out of your mind, you thought the relationship was going well, but all of a sudden it ended. 

There was no explanation no apologies, it’s just over. I feel like your person has a lot of things going on around them, both emotionally and mentally. They felt overwhelmed but instead of talking it out, and making things right, they walked away. You don’t know what to do now, should you keep trying? Should you walk away?

If you are willing to wait it out, they will be back, because they going to regret their decision. 

If you feel this is your situation, 
please feel free, to click on the link below to purchase a full reading. 

Book a reading with me and let’s find out.

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Only £20.20

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Love and blessings to you,
Tracylyn x

‘What a beautiful reading kind lady gave me all the guidance I needed much appreciated xxx’

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Jane – I have drawn a card for you from my spirit animal’s deck and today you have the horse spirit. The horse spirit comes up for having that sense of freedom and really being ready to go for it. It’s a great card that sees you moving forward and feeling free.

This reading is a four card oracle reading, either written or Audio. You can ask a question or give me an area to focus on. 

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Jane x

“A lovely lady had another lovely reading from Jane thank you very much and spot on”

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Curandera Maria Magdalena Rosa – In the gentle dance of the cosmos, an omen has graced your reading and it invites us to delve deep into the heart of your love life. A moment where emotional fulfilment may seem elusive, or where the promises of contentment may not yet have come to fruition. Dreams and desires have been broken, along with trust. A painful secret is coming forth for revelation, that will take off your rose-tinted glasses.

Ask me Anything Tarot and Spirit Reading

This is a written reading and will be sent to an email of your choice.
Please do not forget to include your email address,
full name and D.O.B. Thank you, my dear soul.

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Only £25

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Curandera Maria Magdalena Rosa 

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Ester – Your Free Love Reading is on the link below!

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Love Reading
& Clearing Blockages
only £22

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Meilleurs VœuxEster x

‘Ester is an amazing person. She is good at what she do. My reading was ready within the next two hours. The reading gave me a lot of clarity and my overall feeling after listening to the reading is positive. Thank You, Ester.’

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