Psychic Readings 29 August

Masked Reader – In the crystal ball today, I see a presence lingering near you—someone who views you as a rival and is subtly keeping tabs on your every move. They perceive you as a threat, mistakenly believing that by watching you closely, they can find a way to outmanoeuvre you. But in truth, their efforts are futile. They can never truly step into your shoes or match your unique strengths. If you’re aware of this person, don’t let them disturb your peace. Simply ignore their attempts and continue on your path, knowing that they pose no real challenge to you.

What are they thinking?

An in depth look at your silent love interest. The thoughts towards you and their plans for the future. With the thoughts do they plan to have you as part of their future? All questions answered and very welcome.

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Love and light. 

Chat to Neal

‘I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.’

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Anabelle – I sense a deep connection between you and a love interest, a bond that has been challenged recently by misunderstandings and misplaced words. Your love interest is burdened with regret, replaying the moments over and over, wishing they could take back what was said or done. Their heart is heavy, filled with remorse, knowing they’ve caused you pain. They’re struggling to find the right way to make amends, fearing that their actions might have created a rift that’s hard to mend. Yet, beneath this fear lies a profound desire to heal the wounds and restore what was lost. Their spirit is calling out to you, seeking forgiveness, yearning for the opportunity to make things right. Trust that their regret is sincere and that they are searching for a way to prove their love and commitment to you once more.

3 Question Special – Detailed Answers

Feeling lost or uncertain about your life’s direction? Let me help with my exclusive 3-Question Psychic Reading, offering clear answers about love, career, or personal growth. My intuitive gifts will reveal the insights you seek. Don’t wait—book your reading today and take the first step towards clarity and empowerment! ❤️

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Anabelle ❤️

‘This was a wonderful reading. Anabelle picked up on one key detail I had omitted and she was 100% spot on. The reading was full of accurate information. Finally, I asked Anabelle for a follow up question and she replied. I cannot recommend her enough!’

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Ester – Your Free Love Reading is on the link below!

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Love Reading
& Clearing Blockages
only £22

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Chat to Ester

Meilleurs VœuxEster x

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‘Ester is an amazing person. She is good at what she do. My reading was ready within the next two hours. The reading gave me a lot of clarity and my overall feeling after listening to the reading is positive. Thank You, Ester.’

Madam Destiny – My beloved, someone is playing hot and cold with you and keeping you at arms length. Love has gone sour and omens are showing me you have grown apart rather then together. This separation is mutual I feel, nevertheless I do feel upsets, anger and tantrums being thrown. You are emotionally on a hard floor and omens are showing me, that someone is prone to addictions. There is a sense of being addicted even in love, co-dependent relationship is not one that brings joy.

Love Triangle reading….Is there another woman/man?

Help is on the way, dearie!”

As we shuffle the cards, let us remember the wisdom of Madame Destiny “The truth will set you free, dearie!”

With profound psychic abilities that guide us through the intricate web of emotions and possibilities. We open the window into the hidden corners of your heart and the complexities of your situation and let the truth set you free.

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‘Great reading my first one with Madam Destiny will definitely come back again thank you x’View all Readings

Maria – My Querido, I am shown that you have been in a very toxic environment lately. Arguments, quarrels, someone exuding control and generally there is a sense of being tied to unwanted situation or a person, unable to shake it off. I am shown Karma, that had to be served has caused this darkness in your life. Now, you are coming back to light, the connection to Spirit is being restored and karma has been served. You are now seeing that the person in question has been feeding you false promises, never acting on their words and keeping you at arms length. Enough is enough and you are free at last

Ask me Anything Tarot and Spirit Reading

This is a written reading and will be sent to an email of your choice.
Please do not forget to include your email address,
full name and D.O.B. Thank you, my dear soul.

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Curandera Maria Magdalena Rosa 

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