Psychic Readings 31 July

Moira – Love in in your heart and fills you with joy. I have drawn the 8 of cups after this message came through from spirit.This card stands for deeper meaning, moving on, and weariness. The figure on the card is a man leaving on a journey, striking out on a new path. The card means that change could come in many forms. It could be physical, such as a job change, relocation, or change in relationships. Change could also refer to inner changes, such as replacing older patterns of thought with new ones.

Know that renewed good times lie ahead for you. If your gut is telling you that you really need to get out of a relationship, job, or living arrangement, trust yourself. Instead of this coming out of the blue, or someone or something leaving you, it usually means that you are the one who will make this choice. Very often one door has to close behind you before the next door in front of you can fully open.

Very detailed and indepth tarot reading on any love matter. Send me your concerns or I will do a blind reading of you prefer

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‘Moira’s readings have a way of bringing me to a calm place. She explains poetically, compassionately and with speed. Thank you x’
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Amie – Your Free Audio is is on the link below.

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Any three questions answered in detail

A recorded love audio reading looking into your current and future love situation sent to you via email.

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Amie x

‘My audio reading from Amie Louise was Amazing! She has such a wonderful gift. It’s like she’s right there watching everything my love interest is doing. I am completely in awe of her. Thank you, Amie Louise’

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Masked Reader – There is someone who is interfering in your relationship and you are starting to see this quite clearly.  So how do you deal with the third wheel in your partnership?  I see you are thinking about having a big fight over this but what is going to be better is being the stronger one and waiting for the right moment  to strike a blow.  I do see success if you are patient and this person will soon be dust



Wondering who is thinking of you right now?

This reading looks at who has you on their mind and what they really want from you.

How can you let them know you are into them too?
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Love & Light

‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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Ester -Your Free Love Reading is on the link below!

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Love Reading
& Clearing Blockages
only £22

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Meilleurs VœuxEster x

‘Ester is an amazing person. She is good at what she do. My reading was ready within the next two hours. The reading gave me a lot of clarity and my overall feeling after listening to the reading is positive. Thank You, Ester.’

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Your love interest has started today thinking of you. Yes, no one else got this day for him first in his thoughts, it was you. No doubt about this, that this man does love you regardless, of the quietness and distance at present. He is thinking of contacting you. Great times ahead.

What are they thinking?

An in depth look at your silent love interest. The thoughts towards you and their plans for the future. With the thoughts do they plan to have you as part of their future? All questions answered and very welcome.

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Only £22.22
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Love and light. 

‘I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.’

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