Psychic Readings 4 August

Moira – You have turned the corner in some ways and this energy is indicating a breakthrough is possible over the new few weeks and you may notice a shift in some area that has been causing you some stress. A real change can be seen as a victory over past struggles.. This energy can also mean straight talking too so speak up if you must and get it off your chest but do so in a respectful way and remain calm in the face of any situations that arises but know this will work out better for you and bring a positive change to your situation no matter how it looks at the time .. You have come so far and weathered a really intense time. Your faith has seen you through and things are going to happen for you ..take any positive developments as a sign of your strength and stamina paying off .. You are ready to start seeing progress in your path in whatever way it takes you. This will be most welcome and no matter how small or big any victory is to be welcomed.. Stay focused and keep setting those intentions.
A new beginning is trying to unfold for you.

Very detailed and indepth tarot reading on any love matter. Send me your concerns or I will do a blind reading of you prefer

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‘Moira’s readings have a way of bringing me to a calm place. She explains poetically, compassionately and with speed. Thank you x’
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Jane – I have drawn a tarot card for you today and you have the queen of pentacles. This is a really exciting card as it is all about success especially around work and business but also, it’s an excellent card for home and family as well, it’s a really beautiful energy.

Weekend Special 5 cards

I am offering a weekend special tarot reading 🙂 You can ask a question or just give me an area to look at for you. This reading can be supplied written or audio, just let me know which you would prefer. 

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Jane x

“A lovely lady had another lovely reading from Jane thank you very much and spot on”

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Anabelle –  In the swirling energies surrounding your love life, I sense a complex web of emotions intertwined between three souls. You stand at a crossroads, feeling the magnetic pull of two distinct paths—one that promises stability and familiarity, and another that ignites a fervent passion deep within your core. However, this love triangle is not just about affection; it’s a journey of self-discovery. The cards reveal that clear communication and embracing your true feelings are essential to untangle this emotional knot. Trust your intuition, for it holds the key to making a choice that aligns with your heart’s deepest desires, paving the way for either reconciliation or a brave new beginning.

3 Questions with Detailed Answers!

Are you feeling lost or uncertain about your life’s direction? Allow me to help! In my exclusive 3-Question Psychic Reading, I’ll provide you with clear and insightful answers tailored just for you. Whether it’s about love, career, or personal growth, my intuitive abilities and energy connections will reveal the truths you seek. Don’t wait any longer—let’s uncover the guidance that awaits you! Book your reading today, and take the first step towards clarity and empowerment!

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Anabelle ❤️

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Amie – Your Free Audio is is on the link below.

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Any three questions answered in detail

A recorded love audio reading looking into your current and future love situation sent to you via email.

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Amie x

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‘My audio reading from Amie Louise was Amazing! She has such a wonderful gift. It’s like she’s right there watching everything my love interest is doing. I am completely in awe of her. Thank you, Amie Louise’

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Masked Reader -As I gaze into the swirling depths of the crystal, I see a figure cloaked in shadows, embodying both allure and distance. This love interest, with their icy demeanor, holds a heart that is veiled in past sorrows, leaving them hesitant to embrace vulnerability. There is a magnetic pull between you, yet their chill stings, as if to guard a treasure they fear to share. You are urged to explore the hidden depths of their soul, for beneath the frost lies a yearning for connection. Patience will be your ally; as the ice begins to thaw, a warmth will emerge that reveals the profound truths of their heart, leading you both toward a love that is deeply transformative. Trust the journey, even when the path feels steep and uncertain.



Wondering who is thinking of you right now?

This reading looks at who has you on their mind and what they really want from you.

How can you let them know you are into them too?
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Love & Light

Text Chat with Masked Reader
Only £15 for 10 Minutes

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‘Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.’

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The situation for yourself and the one you truly love, is about to turn for the better soon. They may be distant even silent, but I can assure you that, they are not distant and silent in their thoughts towards you, which are filled of love and true positive changes for you both, for the better.

What are they thinking?

An in depth look at your silent love interest. The thoughts towards you and their plans for the future. With the thoughts do they plan to have you as part of their future? All questions answered and very welcome.

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Only £24.24
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Love and light. 

Text Chat Neal
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Only £15 for 10 minutes! 

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‘I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.’

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