
Psychic Readings 5th Dec

Madam Mystery – As I look deep within my ball I can see your love interest pacing up and down not knowing what to do! His heart wants to reach out though his stubbiness is holding him back! He thinks about you constantly and imagines what he would love to do with you in an intimate way! 

Lust Spell + Intimate Reading 

This is for a lust spell to make your interest become obsessed with you and the reading will reveal his most innermost thoughts and desires for you! 18+ Only!

Only £22.22
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‘Madam mystery is very intuitive and has always been spot on with my readings. She is fabulous reader’

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Moira – Today’s message: Shadow

The energy of this card today is procrastination. Procrastination I believe is due to fear and being afraid of change. Often this stems from a fear of success or failure. Sometimes we want things to be perfect before we begin but there’s no such thing as perfection. All we can do is our best, however often we find we are our worst critic when it comes to what we do. Our best way to overcome this is to just begin. We do not learn, we do not grow and we do not move forward without getting out of our comfort zone. It’s time to face the shadow of yourself, the doubting Thomas that says you don’t already have the knowledge and skills to succeed at what your heart truly desires… because you know you do. It doesn’t mean you won’t need to keep improving your skills or practice what you do, but you can begin now. We all need to start somewhere and if you keep putting it off, the only regret you will have is not having a go. As they say, we don’t go to our death beds regretting what we did, but what we didn’t do. We all have wonderful gifts and abilities to share with the world… utilize the energy of this and begin. 

Now it’s time to trust yourself.

I will look into why they haven’t been in touch. Send me any other questions of concern and I will look into them too for you.

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‘Moira’s readings have a way of bringing me to a calm place. She explains poetically, compassionately and with speed. Thank you x’

Mysti – Your Free Audio Reading is on the link below!

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Each Month In Depth

What does the next 6 months hold for you? Will things finally shift and change? See what the challenges are to overcome or what do you have to look forward to. What choices may you have to make? Will love, career and finances improve? Let me have a detailed look at what is coming in for you.

This is a very long and detailed month-by-month report using both tarot and angel cards, and takes a lot of energy and time to prepare so this is why I only have time for two more.

You can have this either in audio or written form so please let me know what you would prefer.

All I require is your email address/WhatsApp number to send this to when completed.

Look forward to seeing how the next 6 months go for you 🙂

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Only £38.38

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New Reading
Love Interest’s Innermost Thoughts about You
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Love Mysti x

‘Got more than I expected ,having a positive read of the energies about my love life, thanks Mysti!’

Skye & Luna – There is a new beginning financially coming your way and there will be a lot of opportunities coming in. However you need to put effort into making these work for you. Keep your eye out for better deals, ways to save and how to increase your financial stability as there are big chances coming towards you. we don’t see a big win coming but there will be more abundance and the flow of money and career matters both look positive for the next month or two.

Are They Your Soulmate?


Is that special person your soul mate or is it just part of your journey to meet your true soul connection?

Let us join together and see.

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Only £22.22
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New Reading
Love Interest’s Innermost Thoughts about You 😉
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Skye & Luna

‘First reading with Skye and Luna oh wow it made me cry the depth they told me things which I never said got it thank you both so much will come back again x’

Masked Reader – Six of Cups show me you romanticising about the past and someone or something which made your heart skip a beat. There are some nostalgic thoughts in your mind and you wish you could get back to this  point. When this card turns up in a reading it shows that someone could be coming back into your life very soon or even someone new that brings those same feelings to your heart. These memories and feelings are about to return in some way to your life.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Shame that’s not true as we could sniff out who is a liar and who is being honest with us.

Give me their name and I will see what I pick up on them.

Readings sent to inbox within 24 hours of accepting your request

Special Offer
Only £25
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New Reading
Love Interest’s Innermost Thoughts 😉 
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Love & Light

‘Wow! The most detailed reading I’ve ever had!! Wow wow wow!! Amazing! You need a reading.. this is YOUR GUY!! Thanks again!!❤❤

Amie – Things have not been plain sailing for you previously but the clouds are disappearing and the rainbows are going to appear. I am seeing a long term commitment coming this year and even a possible ring. The month of January is going to bring a lot of happiness.

The Next 3 Months
only £21.21

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‘Excellent as always would highly recommend this incredibly talented lady.’

Jane – Today I have drawn a card for you from my Yule Oracle. The card that I have is light and this is all about there being hope especially at this time of year when it is getting darker. When this card appears for you, it is showing you that your energy is high and that there is hope for the future.

Are we on the same page???

Are you wondering if you and your love interest are on the same page, this reading will tell you just that! I can either supply this reading via email or audio

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Only £19.50

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Jane x

“A lovely lady had another lovely reading from Jane thank you very much and spot on”

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