Psychic Readings 8 September

Anabelle – I can sense a deep connection between you and this person, but there’s also an undeniable push-and-pull dynamic at play. It feels like they are wrestling with their own emotions, leaving you in a place of uncertainty and confusion. One moment, they seem fully engaged, and the next, they pull away, leaving you wondering what changed. This hot-and-cold behavior stems from deeper fears or unresolved issues that they may not even be fully aware of. However, there’s a powerful shift coming soon that could alter the course of this relationship. There’s so much more unfolding just beneath the surface—are you ready to explore what’s next?

Full Channelled Love Letter

I will tune into your love interest and pick up on their true thoughts and feelings about you.

Please supply your love interest’s first name.

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Lets Chat Now

Anabelle ❤️

‘This was a wonderful reading. Anabelle picked up on one key detail I had omitted and she was 100% spot on. The reading was full of accurate information. Finally, I asked Anabelle for a follow up question and she replied. I cannot recommend her enough!’

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Jane – I have drawn a tarot card for you today and you have the 8 of swords. This is a card that talks about worries, so if you have been feeling that way lately this card has come along say that all is going to be well better energy is coming in for you soon.

Full Audio love reading Tarot and Oracle

Wondering what is happening with your love life? I am offering a full tarot and oracle card reading, 8 cards drawn to look at love for you. You can ask a question or give me a person to focus on.

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Chat to Jane

Jane x

“A lovely lady had another lovely reading from Jane thank you very much and spot on”

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GypsyMystic1111 – Tree and Clouds have appeared for you today.

I see you feeling stuck in a few areas of your life right now. I see here some health issues going on in your life right now . This is either yourself or someone close to you. I sense worry and fear of the future because of this . This seems to be relentless for you. I see some clarity coming soon which will be weight lifted off your shoulders .I have a male coming through in spirit and he is saying you can do this don’t give up ! colour green has come in which may be significant for you

 Love spell & Detailed psychic/Tarot Love Reading

I will perform a powerful love spell tailored specifically to your love situation. A cleanse will also be performed to disperse blocks to love.

You will also receive a detailed love reading.

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‘Spot on great reading with no hints or clues’

Gypsy mystic1111

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Intuitive Christie – Today, the 6 of Pentacles in reverse and the 3 of Wands reversed have come forward, highlighting some workplace issues that are making you feel unsettled. There’s a lot of negativity in this environment—gossip, jealousy, and possibly someone trying to bring you down.

Remember, other people’s actions are not a reflection of you but of their own insecurities. These power struggles stem from someone being envious of your hard work and the position you’ve earned.

Don’t let this negativity affect you. Trust that those causing these issues will be dealt with soon. Stay strong and keep your focus.

Ask any two questions about anything…your partner, ex, love life, career, finance, and so on.

Ask any two questions about anything…your partner, ex, love life, career, finance, and so on.

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I look forward to you joining me for this exciting ceremony.
Blessed be
Christie x

‘I received a lovely reading from Christie and she also kindly shared a beautiful manifestation ebook with me to work through. I’ll definitely ask Christie for another reading in the future. Thank you! x’

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Ester – Your Free Love Reading is on the link below!

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Love Reading
& Clearing Blockages
only £22

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Chat to Ester

Meilleurs VœuxEster x

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‘Ester is an amazing person. She is good at what she do. My reading was ready within the next two hours. The reading gave me a lot of clarity and my overall feeling after listening to the reading is positive. Thank You, Ester.’

Madam Destiny – My beloved, love unrequited, promises broken and the partner and relationship you hankered after and wished for, for so long, has turned out to be a complete disaster or a massive disappointment. Secret covered up is now and is showing your person in another light. Omen is whispering look for a more authentic feeling of fulfilment.

Love Triangle reading….Is there another woman/man?

Help is on the way, dearie!”

As we shuffle the cards, let us remember the wisdom of Madame Destiny “The truth will set you free, dearie!”

With profound psychic abilities that guide us through the intricate web of emotions and possibilities. We open the window into the hidden corners of your heart and the complexities of your situation and let the truth set you free.

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‘Great reading my first one with Madam Destiny will definitely come back again thank you x’View all Readings

Maria – Mi Queridos, Spirit speaks of you being amidst of some kind of change, doing some makeover, letting go of stuff that no longer is needed and modernising and updating everything. Spirit is showing me, that someone is releasing some large amounts of money to you, that you have been waiting for for a while. I am shown you making a large purchase in the spirit of shedding the old and embracing the new. You no longer have to hold on so tightly to it, take your foot of the pedal and heave a great sigh of relief. Around love and relationships, Spirit is showing me, A secret or scandal that has been kept under wraps for a long, long time is now out in the open and you could be letting bygones be bygones by being open to forgiveness and reconciliation.

Ask me Anything Tarot and Spirit Reading

This is a written reading and will be sent to an email of your choice.
Please do not forget to include your email address,
full name and D.O.B. Thank you, my dear soul.

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Only £25

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Curandera Maria Magdalena Rosa 

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