Psychic Readings 20th Nov

Bonus Reading from Mysti

Wow you have a beautiful piece of clear crystal quartz falling out of my crystal bowl today and it is stunning as it has beautiful inclusions which in the sun reflects rainbows.  Today is going to be a fantastic day for you and it is time to believe the best is yet to come. Rainbows are a sign of magic and things coming towards you like the pot of gold at the end, so reassure yourself that things are now going to change for the better and there are definitely some amazing things heading your way.  You will also have clarity with your decisions and choices now too as this crystal starts to work it’s magic for you. 

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Tracylyn – The energy between you and your person is feeling stagnant and its got you feeling down and frustrated. Your person seems unpredictable as If one moment you feeling close and the next moment he withdraws. You not sure what’s going on or how to fix it.

You love this person very much and this is why you have tolerated so much . However the more you tolerate, the further he is moving away- and this is a scary place for you.

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A wonderful magical card, that tells you that a breakthrough in this silent distant journey with him is soon to begin. Your love interest always thinks of you, in a beautiful happy way, which gives him the energy to get through his day, and he is desperate now to say to you face to face….he loves you.

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Amie – The next three weeks are significant for you regarding love and I feel that you will get positive news and put the past in the past in a connection and start a fresh. The storms are over and you will both work on bringing the one security and peace. I see you both been open and honest with how you feel and communicating well. Things will move forward.

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Masked Reader – Clouds are forming in the Crystal ball and it’s a warning to be cautious as a storm is on its way. It’s not clear what area of your life this will come in as like lightning it will just strike randomly. When this storm comes weather it batten down your hatches and ride it out without fear as every storm clears the way for something better. Let this energy come in and push what is not wanted anymore out of your life and you will see space for new coming in.

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Ron – The Seven Of Disks means disappointment and little gain for much labour. This is your relationship and how it did not bring you want you wanted or needed. You put all the effort into the relationship and got very little back and this has affected you emotionally and taken away a lot of your confidence. But despite this you still believe in love and you are still hopeful you shall meet someone new you can fall in love with and be happy.

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Jane – Today I have drawn an Oracle card for you from the quirky dream weavers Oracle. The card you have is ‘could it be a dragonfly’. This is a card that is all about noticing the signs around you. The universe gives us signs all the time, it could be repeating numbers or seeing butterflies or even dragon flies so look out for the signs around you today.

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